
back and forth

not that anyone in particular reads this, but i always have a hard time staying in tune with my blog…
im going to try and set up a new financial advice blog
ill call it the twig of knowledge…look forward to it people

craigslist moron of the day

craigslist ad with no information…no contact, email/phone…and no price…but he/she is pretty FIRM on price..lol…idiot

dippin dots files…

oh know…if my favorite childhood ice cream goes under, i’ll be sad..for now they will continue to do business while reorganizing $$$

testing my new camera…

my buddy andy volunteered to be the test subject to play defense

jump to 40 seconds for entertainment


so, here’s my fz8…new mirrors on, and no more turn signals..

my dads bike is in here too

i have waaaay too much to catch up on..i’m not even sure where to begin..

new job..same girl..more activities, less time for gym and spreading self thin along everywhere…

need more time to self, but don’t have it..gas is costly, bike isn’t saving dollars as planned but still fun.

hmm…other additional brain dmg..

learning that i’m getting old …that’s rough considering my age mentally is around 50 to start with…*sigh..

what a crazy life..

“beef Kow”



so…a starbucks with red paint, great mexican place with carne azadas, and canoes…